[ Prev | Next | Index ] Wed Feb 21 13:10:00 MST 1996 : sl41n@cc.usu.edu, Logan, Utah USA Threat of a New Earthquake Karen Coleman --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born and raised in the US, I have continually taken my freedom for granted. I've gone where I wanted and done what I wanted. I have been free to earn an education. Now I am seeing it all come tumbling down, and the government actions in the Telecommunication Act appear to be the fault line which is shaking the earth. Living in Utah, I have grown up fearing the Wasatch Fault and the ever present threat of the big earthquake. I have taken the precautions. My husband and I have a safety plan. But as a student at Utah State University, I have no safety plan to protect myself against the government. Again there is an ever present fear, but this one is even bigger. The Communication Decency Act threatens to take away the tool I am just now learning to use. I know I am a little behind the times, but I am taking classes this quarter to learn about the Internet and its wonderful uses. I just saved up and bought a fancy home computer with on-line capabilities. I've fallen in love with my free AOL hours and have used them to search numerous topics. Now the government is trying to tell me they are going to censor my viewing and researching abilities. How dreadful. You know what, I have a mother. And my mother occasionally told me what to do when I was very young. But she quickly gave me my independence to grow and learn for myself. The government should no more tell me what I can view on the Internet, than my mother should tell me how to dress. The government should not take away my research abilities that my mother taught me to look for. I am inquisitive, I like to research. How dare they try to limit my scope. Decency. What is it? Who is to say? Certainly a government which can't agree on any topic two days in a row isn't. But they sure are trying. I don't particularly enjoy pornography, but I am not going to take away the right of others to enjoy it. I personally feel ill to my stomach every time I see Rush Limbaugh on the TV, but I am not going to deny others from viewing and supporting him. I recently did a research paper on the past Calvin Klein incident. I wonder how I would have done my research if it had been censored. Does the government realize or care that they are hindering education? As I am preparing to graduate in June, I am uncertain what the Internet future is. I hope my ability to search the net doesn't end when I graduate. I learned in grade school to crawl under my desk in the event of an earthquake. Tired of hiding under my desk, I am ready to crawl out and face the world. I hope I spent my money wisely when I invested my hard earned dollars in a new computer. I hope that in a few months I am not wishing I had put the money towards a new transmission for my beater college car. Karen Coleman Utah State University --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image] sl41n@cc.usu.edu